Wilsons Promontory, at the southernmost tip of the Australian mainland, is a world-renowned national park. It has over 50,000 hectares of spectacular coastal scenery with pristine beaches, granite boulders and an abundance of native plant and animal life.

From the park headquarters and main camping area at Tidal River, a network of  walking tracks, from easy to difficult standards, reach as far as the lighthouse. Mountain-Top Experience provides a transport service enabling visitors to get to Tidal River.

Our mini-bus transport service takes 2 hours from Morwell, in Latrobe City, which is situated 160km east of Melbourne, about 1½~2 hours away by road or rail. Bookings are essential.


Morwell has plentiful accommodation and is located on the Melbourne-Sydney transport corridor, serviced by:

B & B


Caravan Park