Scroll down for training and camping trip dates:
Day Trips:
Snotluf 4WD challenge. Sat 9/1/16. Steep and gnarly, but we will look after you. Starts from Rawson. Pricing $120/vehicle (past customers $110).
White Star Goldmine Ruins. Sun 10/1/16. Country so steep that mining machinery could not be removed, but not so difficult for a 4WD. Starts from Rawson. Pricing $120/vehicle (past customers $110).
Rintouls Ravine. Sat 13/2/16. Little known tracks criss-crossing an often muddy valley north of Latrobe valley. Perhaps we will find it dry enough to get through! Pricing $120/vehicle (past customers $110).
Victorian 4WD Show. Sun 21/2/16. Wandin Park (Melways 119, G7). See Catch us at the “Gippsland’s High Country” stand.
Chromite Mountains. Sun 24/4/16. Mountain-top views and a mysterious mine site north of Licola. A classic 4WD adventure trek. Pricing $120/vehicle (past customers $110).
Grand Ridge Forests. Sat 21/5/16. Penetrating the thick, and sometimes very wet, forests around the Strzelecki ranges. Mostly easy but there could be some 4WD challenge surprises and grand views. Pricing $120/vehicle (past customers $110).
Camping trips:
Rawson Base Camp. Fri~Sun 8~10/1/15. An annual tradition. Join us for a day trip or the whole weekend.
Day 1: Relax at Rawson. Afternoon guided walk to the meteorite crater, with history of the Thomson Dam project. Plus check out the paintball field tracks.
Day 2: Snotluf 4WD challenge. Steep and gnarly.
Day 3: White Star Goldmine Ruins. Country so steep that mining machinery could not be removed, but not so difficult for a 4WD.
Stay at the campground at Mountain Rivers Tourist Park (or other accommodation options available). Pricing $110/tag-along vehicle per day (Sat or Sun), or $200/tag-along vehicle for whole weekend, plus camping fee.
Wallagarah Rivers. Sat~Mon 12~14/3/16 (Labour Day weekend), with a Friday night start recommended. Just beyond far eastern Gippsland is an amazing 4WD area with some big rivers, and a couple we couldn’t cross on our last visit. With autumn water levels it’s time for another attempt, with Marcus in the lead. Great campsites. Also visit one of the best preserved gold mine ruins in the bush. Pricing $350/vehicle (past customers $330).
Driver training:
CERTIFICATE COURSES. Sat~Sun 6~7/2/16, 16~17/4/16, 7~8/5/16 and 4~5/6/16. Advanced skills training that requires no previous knowledge! This two day residential course includes entertaining classroom presentations and practical field exercises relevant to your 4WD vehicle. Learn from real stories and rescues that have happened to others, so you don’t repeat them! Pricing $250/participant (includes training booklet), partners $50, motel accommodation about $90/night (depending on requirements).
Extended Trips:
Tassie Take Two Fri 25/3/16~Fri 8/4/16 (Easter/school holidays), 15 days. An encore to the hugely popular Tasmanian Wild West trip we did a couple of years ago. Highlights may include the St Albans Bay and Sandy Cape beach runs, west coast mine and railway ruins, Pieman Heads and Balfour 4WD adventures, Montezuma and Russell Falls scenery, Strachan and Temma frontier towns. To be led by Marcus.Pricing $850/vehicle, plus ferry and camping fees. Possibly the trip of a lifetime!

Christmas Gift Vouchers available for use on any of the above.