Gippsland Gold Discovery (4WD  Day Trip)

It was the discovery of gold, 150 years ago, that put the fledgling colony of Victoria on the world map. It brought wealth and population growth to lay the foundation for the State’s development out of the 19th century.
Although elsewhere in Victoria subsequent development has largely obliterated gold heritage sites, the rugged mountains of Gippsland have preserved many remote mining sites. Some relics remain almost exactly as they were abandoned by the diggers when the gold ran out!
The Mountain-Top Experience team can provide guided 4WD tours for small groups into some of these remote locations. Suggestions are listed below, but we will tailor the trip to your interests.
These may include: underground mine and hydraulic sluice site exploration, family history visits to extinct towns, machinery of the steam age, early mercury amalgam and cyanide leach extraction technologies, may include hands-on alluvial gold panning and metal detecting.